Friday, May 29, 2009

UMASS Band Day

I wasn't huge into marching band, but we had a bunch of fun times, including Umass Band Day held at the Umass Amherst campus. Umass Band Day is an annual event where any marching band can drive to the campus and spend the day learning a show to perform with the Umass Minutemen Marching Band. This was always so fun. The volume is incredible... especially since hundreds of marching bands (thus thousands of musicians) show up every year. My marching band went every year. Over those 4 years that I was there we've played music like Shrek, Little Mermaid, phantom of the opera, and last year we did a compilation of random 90's songs. We spent the first half of the day rehearsing music and movement (although with so many of us, the movement consisted of us walking onto the field and standing there packed in shoulder to shoulder). These pictures of from Umass Band Day 2005. 

These are pictures of the umass marching band performing their half time show while all the marching bands piled in on the side lines waiting to perform. 

These pictures are cool because it shows only part of the field.... look how packed in we were! the volume was incredible. My ears were ringing afterwards =)

1 comment:

  1. I would have loved to have heard that! You guys did Shrek?! That rocks!
