Monday, March 15, 2010

Isle of Shoals part 1

So, this post is long overdue! I could go on to say that I've been too busy, my hectic schedule sweeping me away in a rip tide I cannot control... But my sister is bound to see this at some point, and for that reason I'm forced to admit that I've just been too darn lazy. Computers have never really been my specialty, I must admit. This past summer, my dad and I went to Star Island in the Isle of Shoals. It was absolutely b-e-a-utiful!!! The weather was divine and the seagulls were as cuddly looking on the island as they are ravenous here at our local mcdonalds parking lot! I
took a few hundred photos that day, so I'm going to do a real quick summary here. Ill have posts posted later on about specific stuff.

The first thing we did was travel under the drawbridge on the boat. Now, I have never seen t
he drawbridge up before. As a kid I always wanted to, but my timing was always unlucky. So it was great that the first time I had ever seen the bridge raised was when I was traveling BENEATH it!!!! ^_^

It took us quite a while to figure out what this was

By the time we got to the island it was a flawless
sky. No clouds, and just enough wind to keep you comfortable. It was the perfect day,
and I haveta say I was surprised... I w
asn't expecting the island to be t
his green!!!!
This is from the hotel

I thought that this looked like something from a fairy tale. It was the perfect, quaint little cottage, ya know? Like little red riding hood should come running out anytime soon 0_0

I kinda wanted to take over the place, actually!

Sorry about this picture being all obnoxious and sideways... but it was a large spire of stone in memory a Rev. John Tuckeam. The spire was so tall you could see it over the trees. Im assuming this guy was pretty important. haha. There was also a stone that talked about how John Smith settled the island. Take THAT Pocahontas!!!!

The seagulls were pretty interesting. They were everywhere and they were obviously used to humans. But still they seemed to own the place, and on almost every pile of stones there was one adult seagull standing majestically just watching... then dad and I realized why. In the brush all around were little baby seagulls running around! it was adorable.