Saturday, June 20, 2009

Beaver Brook

Alright, so I may not be as talented at taking nature shots as my sister is, buuuuuuuut, I sure tried my hand at it a few times. About a year ago I bought myself a brand new digital camera. I had been using a film (not digital) 35 mm monster of a camera which was great and all, but not much a point a shoot kinda camera. So when I got my camera I immediately bugged my father to take me down to the garden at Beaver Brook to take photos of the plants and flowers which I so desperately loved. So here are those photos I took. 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Little Vulcan Sister

Every kid goes through stages in their life.... the teething stage, the tomboy stage, the goth stage; hundreds of stages. Well when my little sister was 7 she went through her vulcan stage. Someone had pointed out to her that when her hair was tucked behind her ears, she looked like Spock from Star Trek because her ears were so big. So, seeing the potential for attention, she attempted to flaunt her "talent" in ever photo for about 6 months. These photos are just a handful of ones taken when my step-father's parents came to visit one year. Enjoy.